Battle Chess


Battle Chess, published by Interplay Productions, redefined chess with a unique twist that captivated audiences in 1988. The game is traditional chess at its core, but what sets it apart is the way it brings the chessboard to life. Every piece has a unique, humorous animation for moving and attacking, adding charm and whimsy to every game. The game strikes a perfect balance between strategy and entertainment, making it a timeless DOS classic. Experience the thrill of Battle Chess on for free and immerse yourself in this inventive chess experience.

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Battle Chess: Where Strategy Meets Spectacle

When Interplay Productions published Battle Chess in 1988, they brought an entirely new dimension to the classic board game of chess. By combining the strategic gameplay of chess with imaginative and often hilarious animations, Battle Chess quickly became a beloved DOS game.

Battle Chess maintains the rules of traditional chess but reimagines the experience. Here, the pieces are not static, but alive, each with its unique character and animation. Knights, bishops, rooks, and all other pieces come to life on the chessboard, creating an immersive and entertaining gaming experience.

Discover the Intriguing Gameplay of Battle Chess

Battle Chess follows the standard rules of chess, making it accessible to anyone familiar with the game. But what sets it apart is how it presents the matches. Each piece comes to life when moved or capturing an opponent. The characters have their unique animations that reflect their 'personalities'—for instance, the pawns, humble soldiers, while the king and queen exhibit regal behaviours.

When a piece is taken, the game showcases a mini battle between the pieces. These sequences, while purely cosmetic, add a level of entertainment that traditional chess can't match. The rook transforming into a rock monster or the queen's deadly use of magic are a few examples of the theatrics involved.

Play Battle Chess Online

At, you can now revisit the innovative world of Battle Chess. With our online platform, you can play this classic DOS game for free. Our website offers you the flexibility to save your progress, allowing you to strategize at your pace. Enjoy the thrill of Battle Chess, with its engaging animations and challenging gameplay.

Master the Tactics and Controls

Battle Chess challenges your strategic thinking and problem-solving skills just like traditional chess. The game allows for standard moves like 'En Passant' and castling, keeping the tactical depth intact.

The game is simple to control, with clicks determining the movement and action of pieces. Watching your strategies play out through the game's unique animations is incredibly satisfying and adds a layer of depth to the game.

Summing Up the Battle Chess Experience

Battle Chess is a shining example of how games can take a traditional concept and elevate it with creativity. Published by Interplay Productions, this game brings together the strategic depth of chess and the entertaining animations to create a truly unique experience.

At, we believe in preserving these gems for gamers to enjoy. Hence, we host games using publicly available codes and respect the rights of original authors. So, step into the world of Battle Chess, devise your strategies, enjoy the animations, and have a delightful gaming experience for free!

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